“HiPet is the most amazing cat supplement! My beloved cat Dorito had the worst episode of digestive issues EVER!!! After adding this supplement into his food for more than 3 weeks, he no longer had problems absorbing and digesting his food. No more major messes on the carpet or blow GAS BOMBS that chased everyone away. […]

Boris – Frequent GI Issue Fixed
I would like to share with you all on the great outcome Boris experienced. Boris is my big boy who is constantly bothered by GI events. Frequent diarhea, gassy stomach, problematic bowel movements….etc., you name it. We have to contantly watch what he eats (especially when he begs for chilli-cheese fries, which will definitely bring some “serious GI consequences”) and be selctive […]

Babie – Tear Stain No More
My Babie is a 8 year old Bichon Frise suffering from chronic conditions around eyes. I have visited the doctors for over a year and tried different types of things. His conditions go away and return after few months. In Japan, dog doctor visits and medications are very expensive. I try other natural herbs to […]

Momo-Amazing improvement in digestive health
My boyfriend and I started searching for a solution for Momo’s indigestion problem for over a year already. When we adopted him from the Pasadena Humane Society two years ago, Momo experienced frequent indigestion that we have to take him to the vets, which didn’t help much. We tried changing his diet and giving him […]

Ramu – Better Quality of Life
I started the HiPet formula on Ramu – my 10 year old Labrador retriever and noticed improvements in his GI conditions. Within 4 weeks of sprinkling the powder into his food, we’ve noticed positive changes to his energy level and appetite; in addition, he has become more playful and engaging. I will continue doing so […]