Cody – Stronger & Healthier Lives

Just wanted to let the teams know how thankful I am to have found this supplement, your formula helped my baby.

Our 2-year-old golden retriever, Cody, who we rescued last year has developed Panosteitis, an inflammation involving various layers of the bones of young, growing dogs. We took him to the vet and was told that he needs anti-inflammatory treaments. Although being on medications, he was having such rough days a few times that I have taken her to the vet repeatedly to see if there’s anything else we can do to help him out. Because of it, Cody has become apathetic with very poor appetite and lost a lot of weight.

After 3 months on HiPet, Cody no longer has those ‘rough days’. He is happier, more stable, and is energetic. Best of all, like all puppies, he is looking forward to his walks and seems like “new” once again. Even our friends can’t believe this after seeing his recovery. Whatever you have put in that formula, it is absolutely amazing!

I believe we owe it to the team who developed this formula……For all of you out there who is looking for a good dog supplement, I highly recommend to at least give it a try for a few months. I am sure you all will be pleasantly surprised. Seeing is believing, and trust me, this thing works.

Carlos H, Santa Barbara, California

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