Katty had a urinary bypass surgery done in approximately 5 months ago and recurring problems after that. I have to visit the vet on a monthly basis and it has gotten to the point that I felt the prescription caused her lethargy and lack of appetite. After googling through numerous products, I felt I would […]
Shawnee – A Second Chance at Life
At 19 years old, my Shawnee was diagnosed with Kidney Failure. I was told to make a decision if I wanted to keep her alive and comfortable or begin considering putting her down. In distress, I found HiPet online and decided to use it, figured the formula would help her. A short time later, I […]
Ramu – Better Quality of Life
I started the HiPet formula on Ramu – my 10 year old Labrador retriever and noticed improvements in his GI conditions. Within 4 weeks of sprinkling the powder into his food, we’ve noticed positive changes to his energy level and appetite; in addition, he has become more playful and engaging. I will continue doing so […]
Cody – Stronger & Healthier Lives
Just wanted to let the teams know how thankful I am to have found this supplement, your formula helped my baby. Our 2-year-old golden retriever, Cody, who we rescued last year has developed Panosteitis, an inflammation involving various layers of the bones of young, growing dogs. We took him to the vet and was told […]
La La Regains her Appetite
My La-La, a Labrador started having issue eating all his food recently. Initially we started testing all kinds of food trying to increase his appetite yet with no effort. Took him to the vets, and the result came out negative- nothing negative found. It almost seemed like he was having some sort of “depression” that […]