I have three cats two with chronic urinary crystals and one with Herpes of the eye. After giving all three of my cats Hipet feline formula the crystal problem seems to have gone away. My other cat’s eye is also much better. All three of my cats are healthier, and have more energy and vitality. […]

Dora – Improved Immune System
Dora is my 5 year old rescue kitty who was diagnosed with an impaired immune system, and the vet told us that there’s nothing we can do except keeping her indoors to reduce the exposure to infections. 3 months ago, she started having conditions such as loss of appetite, poor digestion, and progressive weight loss. […]

Mousie – Better Energy Level
My 15 year old male kitty, Mousie, was diagnosed with a growth beside his heart. The veterinarian suggested an operation which we felt was too dangerous for him because of his old age. Instead of putting him through this invasive procedure we decided to use the natural holistic approach. A friend who attended the Natural […]

Babie – Tear Stain No More
My Babie is a 8 year old Bichon Frise suffering from chronic conditions around eyes. I have visited the doctors for over a year and tried different types of things. His conditions go away and return after few months. In Japan, dog doctor visits and medications are very expensive. I try other natural herbs to […]

Goldie – An Amazing Recovery Story
My 15 year old golden retriever recently underwent surgery to remove a tumor from his small intestine. Golden retrievers are known to have compromised immune systems resulting in a higher than average potential for incidence of impaired immunity conditions. Prior to and immediately after the procedure his hindquarters had become very weak due to malnourishment […]