I have three cats two with chronic urinary crystals and one with Herpes of the eye. After giving all three of my cats Hipet feline formula the crystal problem seems to have gone away. My other cat’s eye is also much better. All three of my cats are healthier, and have more energy and vitality. […]

Mousie – Better Energy Level
My 15 year old male kitty, Mousie, was diagnosed with a growth beside his heart. The veterinarian suggested an operation which we felt was too dangerous for him because of his old age. Instead of putting him through this invasive procedure we decided to use the natural holistic approach. A friend who attended the Natural […]

Shawnee – A Second Chance at Life
At 19 years old, my Shawnee was diagnosed with Kidney Failure. I was told to make a decision if I wanted to keep her alive and comfortable or begin considering putting her down. In distress, I found HiPet online and decided to use it, figured the formula would help her. A short time later, I […]

Bo – Maintaining a Good Quality of Life
My Dog has been in an operation 4 months ago because of the tumor growth on the hind leg end. However, the operation was not really successful because the cancer (tumor) malignancy could not be completely removed, according to the doctor. Further biopsy results revealed mastocytoma during the 20th of May, and it looks like the cancer did not metastasize yet, unfortunately 2 weeks later the diagnosis turned out to […]

Momo-Amazing improvement in digestive health
My boyfriend and I started searching for a solution for Momo’s indigestion problem for over a year already. When we adopted him from the Pasadena Humane Society two years ago, Momo experienced frequent indigestion that we have to take him to the vets, which didn’t help much. We tried changing his diet and giving him […]